Its not a normality for me to shoot traditional portraits but lately I've been doing a few things that are outside of my realm of expertise (thats ironic because i don't really consider myself an expert at anything.............yet). I know its said that we as artists or photographers should specialize and not be jacks of all trades, but there's something to be said about learning in the early stages of our career. Learning could be us figuring out that we don't like to do some things or don't have the desire to, or it could be a lightbulb moment after we do a shoot that we wouldn't necessarily take if we had a choice.
To tell you the truth, I don't think its a bad thing to take work thats outside of your realm of understanding. I read somewhere that Joe Mcnally jumps at jobs that he's not confident with, why can't you or I think like that? This isn't a rant to tell people to not specialize, more to not turn down opportunities early on in your career. You never know, you might turn out to like it or if anything you might learn something for what you do intend on doing.
Learn learn learn.
Anyways here's a couple shots from a family shoot i did where I shot both the whole family as well as independent shots.
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